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Everything posted by Roberto

  1. Manuale Volvo...

    Am vazut ca ai gasit si ghid-ul de demontare laser pe care l-am postat eu mai demult pe undeva pe aici, posteaza-l si pe ala aici ca daca eu nu il mai gasesc pe cel care l-am pus eu candva, clar nu il mai gaseste nimieni  ;D Am sa bag si eu maine cateva minuni la mine pe un server
  2. Made in Romania

    Examenul psihologic e ala in care stai 1 ora la coada ca sa iti dea ceva foaie apoi zice "Gata, atat !" ? Ca eu altul nu stiu  Probabil testul psihologic e rabdarea 1 ora pana sa iei foaia gata facuta, ca altceva nu se testeaza !
  3. S-F?

    Foarte tare
  4. mesaj de eroare

    Mda, Varianta usoara era incercarea de initiere a auto-regenerarii lui care nu te costa nimic dar oricum....sutem stilul romanesc si nu mai are rost sa discutam, de asta am ajuns unde am ajuns !
  5. Made in Romania

    De vina sunt cei de la conducerea scolilor care au tinut-o contrar comportamentului ei pentru ca cica a fost la mai multe scoli de unde a fost trimisa...mai de departe si a ajuns la scoala respectiva din clip. Chiar colegii ei profesori au chemat politia, deci in primul rand de ce dracu' nu au dat-o afara ? A, dar defapt suntem in Romania si aici trebuie sa moara cineva, sa fie prins in flagrant la ProTv sau sa pice ceva de pe cer ca sa se faca ceva.
  6. Made in Romania

    Mda pai imaginati-va cam ce facea cu copii daca cu politia se comporta asa.
  7. La multi ani, dragos75!

  8. Distanta prezoane 440

    da dar nu sunt sigur, mazdaspeed 3 sau care din ele, nu sunt sigur, masoara  !
  9. S40\C30\V50\C70 au 3 variante de suspensie, sport, dynamic si confort si se diferentiaza prin arcuri, bari de rigidizare, amortizoare, reglaje, etc diferite. A mea a venit cu dynamic credca, cert e ca e mult prea rigida pentru drumurile noastre.
  10. volvo s40 2005-2006

    Depinde de calitatea ei si de modul de utilizare ! E vreo 2 lei una Varta sau Duracell, e modelul CR2032, model foarte folosit, pana si pe placa de baza a calculatorului de pe care scrii e tot CR2032 deci daca vi-e lene puteti sa o scoateti din PC  :D
  11. Daca nu mai au ce vinde

    Apfelstädt, Deutschland
  12. Distanta prezoane 440

    108x5 - Jaguar, Lincoln, Ford, Mazda parca
  13. Ce fel de ulei ?

    Pt ca 5w-40 e MAI IEFTIN, si e si foarte raspandit si in stocurile a ff multor service-uri, etc. 0W-30 si 5w-30 acopera cele mai bune plaje de temperaturi DAR sunt si mai scumpe, in special 0w-30-ul.
  14. Stiu ca e joasa masina, dar doar in partea din fata mai mult la bara, odata intrat sub ea ai loc berechet de mesterit.
  15. Localizare Filtru Motorina S40 1.6 2009

    Dap, ma pun intr-o dimineata ( adica noaptea la engelzi ) si iti prind unul
  16. Localizare Filtru Motorina S40 1.6 2009

    Haha luati-va benzina ! N-are filtru deci nu va bateti capul  ;D  Nu e asa pretentios la carburantii romanesti, etc  ;D
  17. Pierderi ulei servo

    In sursele alea pe care le-ai gasit nu ai dat cumva si de specificatii pt servo-electronic la S40-ul din 2004.5 ( modelu nou v1.0 ) ?? Mersi anticipat
  18. Alternatorul da ! E principalul motiv pentru care DSTC, Servo, ABS pica impreuna ! Alternatorul sau ceva la sistemul electric. Masina dezactiveaza automat aceste sisteme daca tensiunea necesara pt ele nu e ok, in special pt servo care consuma ff mult. Alternatorul e o problema destul de comuna la S40-uri.
  19. Ce dracu' ma, tara asta ii chiar bataie de joc ? Cum naiba se poate accepta asa ceva ?
  20. Astia nu stau la baute se pare Volvo launches an energy-efficient 2-litre GTDi engine with unique turbo system Main Media Related Images ( Jan 28, 2010 | ID:31621 Volvo launches an energy-efficient 2-litre GTDi engine with unique turbo system Volvo Car Corporation is introducing an all-new four-cylinder 2-litre GTDi (Gasoline Turbocharged Direct Injection) engine in the Volvo S80, V70 and XC60, offering great performance and efficiency all in one. New Volvo-developed turbocharging technology, direct injection and twin variable camshafts give a unique combination of low fuel consumption, low emissions and high performance across a wide rev range - all in a particularly compact format. The new petrol engine, the 2.0 GTDi, produces no less than 203 hp despite its compact size and cylinder capacity. It pumps out 300 Nm of torque already from 1750 rpm thus securing a refined driving experience. "We've succeeded in making a four-cylinder engine that is as powerful as a 2.5-litre five-cylinder unit, and it's also much more energy-efficient. This is a very welcome both for those customers who want high performance as well as supreme driveability and for the environment that benefits from the improved fuel efficiency. One of the most important reasons behind the results is our new, patented turbo system that has been tailor-made for smaller energy-efficient engines," says Magnus Jonsson, head of Product Development at Volvo Cars. Less is more - Meet the next generation turbo technology The turbocharger system has been developed in cooperation between Volvo Cars, Borg-Warner Turbo System and steel component manufacturer Benteler Automotive. The turbocharger (K03) is the market's smallest in relation to the engine's maximum output. The turbo not only gives excellent performance properties, it also improves exhaust aftertreatment by enabling quick heating of the catalyst. The turbine housing is integrated into the manifold, an efficient solution with which Volvo already had previous good experience. The difference is that the new manifold and turbine housing are made of sheet steel instead of a casting. The sheet is lighter and more compact and, above all, this system generates less heat owing to its extra insulating layer. This allows high gas flow temperature and thus more efficient combustion. A manifold made of sheet steel is admittedly nothing new but so far it has only been used in combination with cast turbine housing. The new, fully integrated turbo package made entirely of sheet steel is a world innovation and has been patented by Volvo. This innovative technology has made it possible to shape the exhaust ducts optimally to allow an optimal gas flow and generate the maximum pulse effect for the highest possible turbine efficiency. The pulse dynamics can thus be utilised to the limits in order to generate a high power output level across a wider range of engine revs. This translates into close to immediate response and good acceleration at both low and high speeds. "High performance is important to many customers. However, being an innovative and highly efficient powertrain, there is also a significant gain in both fuel consumption and emissions with this technology" says Magnus Jonsson. "A Volvo S80 with this engine and automatic transmission consumes just 8.3 litres of fuel per 100 kilometres." Efficient direct injection starts the turbo quickly The new engine features direct injection. The injectors have seven holes for precisely controlled injection into each cylinder. The injectors are side-mounted. Direct injection gives a high fill rate in the combustion chamber, efficient combustion and low emissions. Thanks to this high fill rate, the turbo also starts spinning earlier, delivering alert response from low revs. This in turn results in swift acceleration and good driveability even from low speeds. Direct injection also contributes to quick and stable combustion at high loads, and thus smooth engine operation even when the accelerator is floored. The injection system is supplied by Bosch. Twin VVT (Variable Valve Timing) Volvo's new GTDi engine utilises variable timing for both camshafts. Both the inlet and the exhaust valves' opening times can be varied to optimise the overlap and ensure the correct fill rate in the combustion chamber irrespective of engine revs. This gives the combustion process maximum efficiency throughout the rev range and helps generate rapid acceleration at all speeds. Both VVTs are of the conventional vane-type. The rotation of the inner and outer rotor is regulated by hydraulic pressure from the engine oil.  By opening and closing the oil control valves, the oil pressure and flow through the VVTs are changed until the desired angular deviation between the inner and outer rotor is achieved. The oil control valves are controlled by software in the Engine Management System using feedback from the cam position sensors. "By combining direct injection and VVT with our new patented turbo system, we can offer an engine with low fuel consumption and low emissions, without having to compromise on performance or driving properties," says Magnus Jonsson. "We have created an engine that is as efficient in the city as it is on the highway. And since the design is based on an already-existing engine concept, we can offer more car buyers a highly fuel-efficient alternative at a reasonable price." In combination with Powershift or manual gearbox The engine will be offered in combination with Volvo's automatic six-speed Powershift transmission or a six-speed manual gearbox. This new six-speed double-clutch automatic transmission combines the efficiency and driving dynamics of a manual transmission with the ease of a quality automatic transmission. The clutch activations are co-ordinated so that no torque interruption occurs during gear changing. This provides both the ease and permanent motion of a conventional automatic transmission and the performance of a manual transmission. A key global powertrain for Volvo Volvo's new 2.0 GTDi engine is being initially launched on markets that offer tax incentives for engines below two litres in displacement: South-East Asia, the Netherlands, China and Japan. Engine specifications Engine designation 2.0 GTDi Engine type 4-cylinder petrol turbo engine Cylinder displacement 1999 cm3 Cylinder bore 87.5 mm Stroke 83.1 mm Compression ratio 10:1 Valves per cylinder 4 Camshafts DOHC Max power output 149 kW (203 hp) / 6000 rpm Max torque 300 Nm / 1750-4000 rpm, overboost 320 Nm Turbo boost 90 kPa Emission level Euro 5, J-ULEV Performance and fuel consumption (man/auto) Volvo S80 Volvo V70 Volvo XC60 Acceleration 0-100 km/h, sec 7.9/8.5 8.3/8.9 9.6 (automatic) Fuel consumption, l/100 km 7.9/8.3 8.1/8.4 8.6 (automatic) Emissions, grams, CO2 184/193  189/195  199 (automatic)
  21. Daca zici ca iti apar mesaje de la servo directie verifica Alternatorul si bateria, dar alternatorul in primul rand, si verifical profesional nu cu bec de 12v
  22. Renuntarea la fumat

    Asta era argumentul meu preferat pentru cand ma intreba cineva fumator ( in special parintii  ) "Iarasi bagi benzina ? Eu: Tu bagi banii in tigari, eu ii bag in benzina si macar cu benzina ma deplasez, tu cu tigarile ce faci ? !"
  23. Renuntarea la fumat

    Eu m-am lasat brusc dupa 20 de ani de baut doar sucuri ( Cola 99% ) intr-o zi, asa dintr-o data. Deci eu pana pana acum puteam sa zic ca nici nu sunt racordat la reteaua de apa potabila, beam apa doar cand nu exista sucuri si eram pe cale de deshidratare  . Si eu m-am simtit aiurea cateva zile dar acum incet incet parca e mai ok ca inainte. Le-am zis prietenilor sa ia exemplu de la mine cu tigarile ca uite ca se poate . Acum imi dau seama cat de scumpa e si apa potabila =)) =)) Si ca sa fie si mai amuzant, acum s-a introdus taxa si pe bauturile acidulate, AM FRAIERIT STATUL hahahah