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Everything posted by Maurice

  1. Daca o faceati ieri eram si eu prin Cluj, deci erati/eram 4 
  2. Primele poze cu Bmw X1

    Coret. Doar ti se pare.
  3. "De ce m-am saturat de Romania"

    Eu unul nu mai astept nimic si sincer nu prea cred ca se poate face ceva din interior, prin noi insine asa cum am mai zis, o sa ne taram cu pasi marunti in urma tuturor ca doar nu putem ramane in "africa" asa cum spui, dar un salt major catre mai bine nu prea se vede la orizont asa rapid. Suntem prea infometati si avizi de putere/bani incat oricine ar ajunge sus si-ar asigura propriile buzunare, chiar mult mai mult decat ar avea nevoie pentru zece vieti, restul nu l-ar mai interesa. Oriunde in lume sunt interese si toti favorizeaza o firma sau alta, dar intr-o foarte mica masura. La noi incepand cu Nr. one si terminand cu ultimul om care poate lua o decizie (femeia de servici care se duce sa cumpere lavete si maturi, cumpara de la magazinul xx unde stie ea ca-i da o "ciunga" orbit sugar free pentru fica-sa gratis, chiar daca maturile sunt mai proaste si mai scumpe decat la magazinul din colt) toti incearca sa obtina diverse avantaje, mie ce-mi iese. Nu stiu de ce se spune guvernare politica cand de fapt ar trebui sa se numeasca guvernare economica. Eu as vota pe cineva suficient de bogat incat sa nu-si doreasca sporirea averii cat timp este la guvernare, sa faca politica doar ca sa-si lase numele intr-o carte de istorie. O sa radeti dar as prefera sa-l votez pe Iliescu in locul oricarui Basescu pentru simplul fapt ca Iliescu a facut totul din convingere, din credinta in comunism, reformat sau nu, a facut totul asa cum a crezut el ca-i mai bine pentru tara (EVIDENT CA NU A FOST), si nu a putut fi acuzat ca si-ar fi creeat vreun avantaj personal in aia 10 ani de presedentie, vezi fice si fice, case si casute, frati si fratiori, etc. Ca pe langa el erau aproape 99% oameni corupti este dovedit deja.
  4. "De ce m-am saturat de Romania"

    Visatorilor, eu unul m-am resemnat. Dupa umila mea parere, singura speranta sunt strainii care au investit in Romnia si care-si vor vedea investitiile cum scad in valoare din cauza starii generale. Poate vor trage sforile pe la forurile inalte, UE, SUA, Israel, etc sa fim adusi cu forta pe calea cea buna sau macar in apropierea ei. Prin noi insine, niciodata, asa cum si istoria milenara a frumoasei tari a dovedit-o (de la Burebista la Basescu, cu cateva exceptii).
  5. Delta Dunarii

    Pentru tantari merge si OFF sau AUTAN dar bine ar fi sa nu te viziteze, ca tantarii din delta sunt mai de la tara si nu prea au auzit de solutiile astea. Pe noi in 4 zile nu ne-a ciupit nici macar un tantar, fara crema sau altceva. Toata ziua nu erau tantari, iar spre seara in jurul orei 20-21 isi faceau aparitia, timp in care stateam in interior sa ne desinfectam/inbalsamam. Noi am stat pe la MAIUC (sau MAILUC) cu niste prieteni la casa lor si a fost super, bucatareasa din zona, ponton cu doua barci una mica de 4 persoane si una Marry Fisher cu motor de 155 CP. Apa am baut prea putina iar toata mancarea, ciorbele (mama ce ciorbe) plachiile si ce mai gatea specialista erau cu apa din Dunare trecuta printr-o statie de filtrare. Eu si fimea suntem foarte sensibili la stomac dar nu am avut nici o problema. Taxa n-am platit de nici un fel ca n-am stiut de ele dar nici nu ne-a intrebat cineva despre ele. Cred ca cel mai bine este sa te lipesti de cineva din zona cu barca care sa te plimbe prin locurile cele mai frumoase/interesante.
  6. La multi ani, Kpax!

    La multi ani si sa-ti traiasca si Belaz-urile
  7. Da pe tine de ce te excluzi deja ai renuntat 
  8. Eu as veni da-i ziua soacrei  si petrecerea-i la mine acasa ca-i mai mult spatiu decat la ea si am aer conditionat 
  9. Reconditionare Amortizoare

    Daca amortizoarele sunt pentru Volga, Pobeda, Skoda 1000mb sau Volvo P1800 atunci merita pentru ca nu gasesti inlocuitor nou. Pentru orice alta masina la care gasesti noi este un risc mult prea mare.
  10. 2011 Volvo C70

    Iurix, gresesti (ai incurcat virgula cu punctul) Trebuia sa scri: Nu suntem nici rai, nici prosti, io (eu) personal. Te astept acolo. Poate altii sunt rai sau mai rau, prosti.
  11. 2011 Volvo C70

    Cristi asta am citit si noi ca scrie cu litere mari in titlu cand deschizi link-urile Noul Volvo C70 facelift a fost fotografiat in Barcelona Un fan al marcii Volvo a fotografiat versiunea facelift a lui C70. Modelul era pregatit pentru o sedinta foto oficiala, organizata in Barcelona. Oricum multumim ca ne-ai avertizat sa nu dam inca comanda ca-i doar facelift nu model nou 
  12. Intrunire internationala in Slovenia

    Iti dau eu Garmin-ul cu hartile ROAD2009 si EuropeNT2008 ? restul de prostii bleutooth, emitator FM si altele nefolositoare. Este de la Volvo asa ca se va potrivi de minune.
  13. Volvo C30 vs. VW Scirocco

    Si ceva poza, de comparatie "Ieste cu volan pă dreapta" da nu conteaza.
  14. Volvo C30 vs. VW Scirocco

    Vorba poetului: Cristi81 strike again. Da cu bata-n balta fara sa aibe decenta sa dea el primul niste informatii, chiar daca copiate din alta parte, despre ce compara, motoare, performante dinamice, design, vopsea, etc. Mai bine reformula: Ce sa-mi cumpar fratilor, C30 sau VW? Atunci sfatul tuturor era: IA-TI VW !!! Cum din pacate nu detin niciuna din cele 2 modele va invit sa cititi ce spun altii mai avizati: Volkswagen’s new Scirocco is not really a hot hatch. If it was, it would be a Golf. Let’s dismiss that notion straightaway – the new Scirocco is physically lower and wider than a Golf. Sure it shares technology with its famous and eminently practical sibling, but then so do all Volkswagens. Let’s call the racy new car a three-door coupe – VW will like that, it’s very new-niche. When you start looking for rivals for it, however, your options narrow pretty fast. But there is one, the Volvo C30 which is also a hot hatch that isn’t really, if you see what I mean. Technically it’s only a two-door in fact, with a piece of glass on the back that happens to open. So whilst VW has drum-rolled its new categorisation-defying Scirocco into the Middle East and dared people to pigeon-hole it, Volvo has simply waved a dismissive hand its direction with a ‘been there, done that’. The little Volvo, also dubbed a ‘sports coupe’, takes the signature face of the rejuvenated marque – strong, sturdy yet new chic – and mates it to an avant garde body that combines the typical strong-shouldered look, with a tapering body swept backwards until it rather abruptly ends in a styling nod to the 1800 ES from the 1960s. On paper the news gets even better for the Swedish car maker when you start to compare the C30 T5 against the Scirocco – a 2.4-litre five-cylinder engine which puts out 227bhp and 236lb ft or torque. That’s an advantage of 0.4-litre, 30bhp, 30lb ft and a whole extra cylinder. It’s even slightly cheaper. We ran a C30 T5 on long-term test for a few months last year and found it to be a dependable companion that combined common sense everyday motoring, a high level of cosseting safety, with tearaway performance, adept abilities, sporting pretensions and a maverick sense of fun. It’s the sort of car that if it cracked a joke in a room full of people, probably only one other would ‘get it’ and they’d laugh not only at the punch line, but at what a bunch of barbarians everyone else was for not catching on. So for a small car, the Volvo is stylish, solid, sensible, swift, well sorted and ever-so-silghtly ‘out there’. That’s it then. Volvo wins! VW shouldn’t have bothered getting out of bed this morning. No contest. Game over. Obviously though, it’s not as simple as that. For a start, let’s address the on-spec performance. The Scirocco is over 100kg lighter so the cars are equal on the 0-100kph sprint with a 7.1 second time each, and top speeds are virtually identical in the early 230s. And whilst the Volvo had arrived to collective gasps, oohs and aahs, and a need to realign commonly perceived wisdom as to what constituted a sports coupe silhouette – or for that matter what ‘hot hatch’ really means – it has now suddenly found itself completely upstaged by the freshly-penned sleek new VW. All of a sudden, the C30 appears stodgy and upright, retaining its elegance but mislaying its crisp modernity in stark contrast to something that appears to have time-warped in from the future. In the clear light of day, it looks little more than a S40 saloon with the back lopped off – which, essentially, is what it is. VW’s designers have employed every trick in the book to give their new baby a low, squat, planted but aerodynamically sharp suit that ably fools onlookers into thinking it’s some sort of quasi mini-supercar. Grab a tape measure and you’ll find the dimensions surprisingly similar with the Scirocco a paltry 4cm lower. When the Iroc concept car was revealed at the Paris Motor Show three years back as a precursor to the new car, it was way more dramatic and radical than any small car had a right to be. The massive hexagonal gaping grille gave it the sort of intent that suggested it would go around swallowing bigger, mightier cars on the commute into work. For the production car the grille has gone. Instead, there is a much sterner, more frowning and rather conventional appearance at the front. Fortunately the photos don’t do it justice, you need full-colour real-time 3D to appreciate the contouring at work and the blending of multiple surfaces by the stylists. Some of the best looking cars are those that look like they are in full-flight even when they are standing still, the Scirocco is a case in point. Like the C30, the Scirocco has history. Its name is derived from the Italian term sirocco for the hot wind that travels north through Europe from the Sahara Desert, but as a car, its nameplate has solid credentials too. Whereas the C30 is retro-inspired by an old Volvo, the Scirocco represents a revival of a cult hit from the 1970s that, arguably, in-the-know enthusiasts would doff their caps to even more so than the original Golf GTI. Ah, the fabled GTI – king of hot hatches with a peach of a motor and an extraordinary paddle-shift DSG gearbox, both of which our wunderkind has understandably raided from the parents’ parts bin. Yes there is the turbocharged and supercharged  1.4-litre TSI with 160bhp which will get you to 100kph in 8 seconds and on to 218kph, utterly reasonable and good enough for just about most, but we know you won’t want to be seen in anything less than the Scirocco GT 2.0-litre TSI. The Volvo boasts strong provenance too. If you are familiar with the legend-in-its-own-lifetime Ford Focus RS the fact that the C30 shares not only its engine but also parts of its chassis with that street racer and pukka hot hatch, should be a real turn on. Remembering this, and intrigued by the spicier looks of the R-DESIGN bodykit and wheels, I jump in the white T5 for a refresher. Instantly I feel at home, the surroundings are familiar, the ‘floating’ centre console present and correct, though now with some interesting lining featuring a pattern that seems to circulate out from one of the knobs for no apparent reason, leaving me transfixed and fascinated for, well, almost several minutes. It’s clinical, efficient and comfortable. On the move, the silken delivery of the velvety five brings a wave of torque that is both relentless and restrained so as not to let things get out of hand. Despite the mating of front-wheel-drive and a hefty dose of bhp, this is not a torque-steer-laden experience of fighting to translate the power into usable motive force. It deploys its power in an effective and measured manner. Similarly, the grip and handling are highly competent with understeer quelled, a planted attitude bringing assured road-holding, and predictably safe and accommodating on-limit car control. The little Volvo is swift but sophisticated, despite its rude boy ingredients. If you must use the term ‘hot hatch’ then the C30 is very much your grown-up iteration of the genre. Duly satisfied I sink into the Scirocco’s sports seats and find myself lower and more horizontal than in the Volvo. The sportier seating position with the more steeply raked windscreen and deeper cowl, plus the flat-bottomed steering wheel and even the go-faster triangular door-handles present the driver with a strong first impression of a far feistier drive to come. Although, it’s not hard to spot the parts shared with the less-exciting Eos – dashboard, centre-console and sat-nav. Fire up what you thought was a familiar engine and you notice a fruitier exhaust note than you might have been expecting from GTI derivative, and the diesel-like rattle that comes from the direct injection technology is significantly quietened. That’s not all, the torque delivery has been lowered to earlier in the rev range for more gutsier go. There’s a deeper, more meaningful sound from the twin tailpipes as you blip the throttle, but an even more pleasant surprise comes from the clearing-its-windpipe prarrp you get each time you reach for the paddle and call in the next gear. The words eager and darty go well with hot hatches, but they don’t do enough to describe the electric abilities of the Scirocco. It wants you to drive it hard all the time, egging you on through corners. The lower weight and more accessible limit positively encourages you to go play, and get into a little trouble too. VW’s Adaptive Chassis Control (DDC) gives you three modes: Comfort, Normal and Sport. It varies the suspension and the steering response. If there are passengers present, who may be prone to a little car sickness, you could try Comfort, or Normal, but trust me, after a few minutes of trying the other settings you’ll leave this in Sport. A little more heft in the steering feel would be appreciated but it’s responsive enough and the whole chassis is alive with feedback which means you make this car dance to your tune. Cornering is great fun and the most humblest of roundabouts become hilarious fairground attractions. Throw it into one of these and the initial understeer can be snapped off as if via switch just by lifting off – you can even dab the brakes for some tail-out action if you’re hard enough, then power through the exit with a huge grin. It’s intuitive and enjoyable, there is less terminal understeer than the Golf GTI and it corners so much flatter too. Even as a hatchback this car is compromised, moreso than the C30. It’s strictly a four-seater and there’s less luggage space than a Golf, but it’s still remarkably versatile – however, the lack of an external release for the boot becomes rather annoying. The two individual rear seats are contoured and comfortable, with usable built-in headrests – though these impact on rear visibility for the driver, as does the low roofline. And though we normally leave the choice of colour down to your own preference – go for the Viper Green. If it seems like the Volkswagen just gave the Volvo a beating, that would be slightly unfair. Both these cars do an amazing job of redefining what a hot hatch is. What’s truly remarkable is how similar they are in concept and spec, and yet how different they are to behold and drive. Mature C30 or manic Scirocco? It’s the Volvo that makes the most sense but the Volkswagen proves an addictive adrenaline injection that’s hard to resist. PS: Daca nu sti engleza iti trimit si traducerea.
  15. In sfarsit, un nou evaporator

    Matrix: Nu stiu cum ar trebui sa fie la Volvo-ul tau dar am facut probe astazi la celelalte masini din firma: La 207 (climatronic), Peugeot Partner (AC manual) pleaca si nu se opreste nici daca dau pe incalzire iar prin grile sufla foarte cald.
  16. Reclama agresiva!

    Masini de "rahat", reclame de "rahat"  Un concept de reclama tampita, dupa mine e cea mai mare prostie sa te lasi convins de unul care-ti prezinta un produs/serviciu cu : "al meu e mai bun decat celalalt". Fratioare, ai niste masini bune, prezita-le calitatile si performantele etc, daca te raportezi la Volvo un posibil client de VW se va gandi si la Volvo ca optiune daca e deja un etalon la care te raportezi. Tipul asta de reclame este bun cand compari nimic cu nimic, coca-cola vs pepsi etc.
  17. La multi ani , !

    La multi ani si numai bine!
  18. In sfarsit, un nou evaporator

    Poti sa o iei in barba rau cu faza asta, dai de gigi contra la vama si iti cere documentele cu care ai expediat marfa in SUA, sa vad pe unde mai scoti camasa, un prieten a renuntat la colet din cauza asta (erau vreo 120 dorarei)
  19. Love is in the air, vorba trubadurului.......
  20. Ventilator decedat

    Depinde ce este, daca-i senzor de temperatura (sau probabil termostat) obligatoriu ar trebui sa fie infipt prin vreo teaca, sa nu fie altceva.
  21. xc60
  22. Sefu, m-ai speriat, credeam ca ti s-a urat cu viata si ai de gand sa ne parasesti
  23. Consum aberant de mare XC70 D5@163Cp

    La mine, pe masina veche, dupa cip imi consuma mai putin la un stil de mers normal. Daca ma dadeam la ea se schimba situatia. Eu zic ca-i posibil. Auzi Bogdane, nu cumva inainte erau mile si acum km sau litri si galoane 
  24. La multi ani, Nelu!

    La multi ani si numai bine.
  25. Setari navigatie RTI

    Unitatea pentru DVD (nu CD) ar trebui sa fie in portbagaj in partea stanga dupa ce ridici podeaua de acces spre roata de rezerva. Bagi DVD-ul care are inclusa si Romania si cam atat, ridici navigatia din butoanele din spatele volanului sau telecomanda (enter si dupa ce-ti apare mesajul de avertizare ca folosesti navigatia pe propria raspundere si ca nu trebuie sa faci aia sau aialalta dai din nou enter) si ar trebui sa mearga cam ca orice navigatie de pe piata.