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Despre rentabilitatea unui VOLVO
contdezactivat replied to Heimdallr's topic in Comunitatea VOLVO Club
Am gasit lista! Pe scurt si cu aproximarile de rigoare, ar fi: Lista lunga e in atas. costuri volvo.rar -
Totusi, pe pagina Rica descrie o problema mai speciala numai la D2, la restul nu. http://www.rica.nl/nieuws.php?news=49
Nu sunt sigur. Rica are ISOFTLOADER.
Sunt 2 lucruri diferite: Polestar concept si Polestar. Dar traim si vedem.
Nu e serie limitata. Seria limitata s-a vandut demult.
Da, e interesant. La Rica trebuie sa trimiti ECU-ul la ei, pentru decodat, inainte sa folosesti PPC-ul.
Intalnire saptamanala SECTOR 1 BUCURESTI
contdezactivat replied to Midnight Caller's topic in Calendarul intrunirilor Volvo-Club
Cand ziceam sa mai dau si eu o tura pe acolo... -
) http://boringly.com/fail-wild-boar-makes-love-to-volvo-fail-video_43a810f31.html
Despre rentabilitatea unui VOLVO
contdezactivat replied to Heimdallr's topic in Comunitatea VOLVO Club
Nu stiu pe unde mai e acum tabelul meu, posibil in calculatorul de acasa dar tin minte ca la ultimul update, cu absolut tot inlcus: masina, piese, manopere, taxe, rovignete, spalare, intretinere si combustibil... eram pe la 9-10000EU. Sper sa il gasesc si sa imi dau seama exact. Oricum, acum pot trage linie de final. -
Nu-s aceleasi, eu as zice ca sunt mai faine sau doar ergonomia postului soferului iti da senzatia asta. Cu xc90 mai nou nu m-am dat dar fata de xc60 sunt clar mai ok. Eu numai in v40 am stat mai bine ca in a mea.
Acum vad ca nu mai da valoarea greutatii pe situl Volvo dar la inceput scria 1500-1600kg. Si eu ramasesem uimit. L.E. Pe situl in germana zice ca incepe de la 1474kg, varianta T3, pe cand D4 e la 1573kg. http://www.volvocars...nical-spec.aspx Noi nu avem de unde sti informatii din interior... asa scrie pe situl oficial, luam de bun.
Poate in RO... La nivel global deja este numarul 2 in vanzari dupa xc60, care continua sa creasca. Uite aici.
Chiar arata super masina la km pe care ii are si pare foarte intretinuta, asa ca nu m-ar mira sa apara la noi, cu maxim 160k km.
Noi motoare anuntate! "Volvo Car Group launches world-first injection technology in the new VEA engine family Volvo Car Group's new engine family VEA (Volvo Engine Architecture) will be launched this autumn with world-first i-ART technology that helps to cut fuel consumption in the new diesel engines. By featuring pressure feedback from each fuel injector instead of using a traditional single pressure sensor in the common rail, i-ART makes it possible to continuously monitor and adapt fuel injection per combustion in each of the four cylinders. "Increasing the rail pressure to an exceptionally high 2,500 Bar, while adding the i-ART technology, can be described as the second step in the diesel revolution. It is a breakthrough comparable to when we invented the groundbreaking lambda sensor for the catalytic converter in 1976. It's another world-first for Volvo," says Derek Crabb, Vice President Powertrain Engineering at Volvo Car Group. He adds: "Each injector has a small computer on top, which monitors injection pressure. Using this information, the self-adapting i-ART system makes sure that the ideal amount of fuel is injected during each combustion cycle." The combination of higher injection pressure and i-ART technology gives the customer an engine with improved fuel economy, considerably lower emissions and high performance output as well as a powerful sound character. Launched autumn 2013 Volvo Car Group will launch the Volvo Engine Architecture in autumn 2013. With VEA, Volvo will also introduce a new 8-speed automatic gearbox that contributes to a refined drive and excellent fuel economy. Diesel common rail and petrol direct injection are standard in the upcoming modular range of diesel and petrol engines. Several levels of turbo charging open up for the flexibility to cover the whole range from fuel-efficient derivatives through to high power and torque variants. In order to cover all customer requirements, certain engines will also gain added performance via electrification or other spearhead technology. "The new powertrains will boost driving pleasure through their agile, yet smooth, responsiveness and the seamless character of the new 8-speed automatic," says Derek Crabb. V8s are dinosaurs "We will create smaller, more intelligent engines with so much power that they will turn V8s into dinosaurs. Our four-cylinder engines will offer higher performance than today's six-cylinder units and lower fuel consumption than the current four-cylinder generation. On top of that, electrification will bring us up into power figures in today's V8-territory," says Derek Crabb. The engines will be built at Volvo Car Group's high-tech engine plant in Skövde, Sweden."
Pe retur nu are cum sa mearga. Eventual desfacut turul de la filtru, chestie verificata deja.
E sub urechea de la incuietoare, pe stalp. E o chestie micuta neagra.
Efix-ul de acum parca nu mai e ala care a fost inainte de adoptarea E10 sau de schimbarea sursei petrolului folosit in rafinarie; oricare s-a intamplat prima. Ultima oara am alimentat cu efix anul trecut dupa o pauza de ~ 1 an jumate si nu mai era deloc combustibilul pe care il stiam. Inainte cel mai bine mergea cu efix, acum nu m-a impresionat in nici un fel.
Salut Nici la mine nu vede un senzor de usa dar usa respectiva se inchide/deschide normal. Dupa masuratori, senzorul aparea ca bun... Mai naspa era cand deschideam masina de la usa aia si cum sistemul nu o vedea deschisa, rebloca toata masina. In felul asta, odata mi-au ramas cheile inauntru... si eu pe afara.
Sal Pompa de alimentare e in pompa de injectie, cea de amorsare e la/pe flitru de motorina. Porneste oricand si ori de cate ori este nevoie. Nu are senzori din astia.
Numai asta nu am incercat sa fac: sa pun sa straga din sticla sau ceva. Pentru ca am vazut ca e motorina in filtru, chiar cu presiune. Pompa de amorsare de pe filtru e tun si cand aerisesc la pompa de injectie, tasneste motorina normal... nu pare obstructie. O sa incerc si treaba asta, daca mai pot. Poate are logica ei.
Merita sa mai faci asigurare CASCO?
contdezactivat replied to Mr V's topic in Daune, accidente si asigurari
Nu cred dar nici nu te contrazic. Eu i-am sunat sa ii intreb despre situatia cand autorul avariei este neidentificat si mi-au dat negativ. Eu asa am inteles ca este vorba doar despre situatiile in care sunt implicate si persoane. -
In afara de aia, au mai avut una: "Bug Detection with Auto-Brake". “It really bugs us when an insect splatters on our windshield. Today, we’re providing a solution to that problem. Introducing Bug Detection with Auto-Brake.”
Merita sa mai faci asigurare CASCO?
contdezactivat replied to Mr V's topic in Daune, accidente si asigurari
Ala e pentru victime, nu pentru masini. -
Au indesat astia o masina intr-un airbag si nu reusesti un win8 in tractor? Ultima inventie Volvo: https://www.media.vo...x?mediaid=48554 ...Pana la urma s-a materializat. :lol: A dream came true!
Test Sent from my windows phone Ce am eu nu stie de poze. Sent from my windows phone