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Everything posted by nk_12321
Din pacate drumurile si rotzile mai fac o victima..... Cu acesata ocazie vreau sa zic un RIP sincer si condoleante familiei. In ceia ce priveste cele spuse pe 4tuning nu au fost cu intentie.... era doar un citat a vorbelor unor colegi din clasa (era o replica la un alt copil ce se "droghiaza" cu viteza) Inca o data trebuie sa ne gandim la ce poate face viteza!!! RIP Robert :'(
Eu sunt sigur, ca daca Volvo cars ar fi preluati de cei de la Volvo trucks nu ar avea de ce sa dispara. Totzi shtim ca cei de la Volvo Trucks are the best si deci au si fonduri perspective etc... ba chiar mai mult vor fi unicii la limuzine (berline etc...) din concern deci nu e concurenta nu este la cine sa imprumuti tehnici si sisteme. Deci va fi unica din toate punctele de vedere (asha sper eu)......
Da, tractiume spate era pe serile 700 900 200 300....(din cate stiu eu)
Din cauza ca am hotarat sa fac mutatie si la masinutza trebuie sa schimb cartea de indentitate etc... asa ca poate schimb si treaba cu euro..... nu shtiti ce dovada trebuie sa le aduc celor de la RAR ca am euro2 ??
A stai fara grija ca revizia am facut'o ca euro 2 si rezultatele au fost perfecte;D numa astea cu taxa lor de drumuri ......
Nici eu nu am platit'o de ceva vreme, da catziva dintre prietenii mei au avut probleme din cauza asta
Pana acum la design ai de la mine nota 11+ sa vedem ce mai urmeaza
No comment...... accesatzi linkul si o sa intzelegetzi http://www.car-accidents.com/2006-Auto-story/12-9-06-volvo-wreck.html
A... nu, eu nu ma referam la cei care scriu pe acest forum ci la altzi indivizi.....
Eu sunt aproape sigur ca la viteza de 120km/h intr'un volvo nu mureau daca purtau macar centura de siguranta.... parerea mea.
Nu stiu... da eu vin cu o parere mai melancolica....eu vreau ca VOLVO-Cars sa fie luata sub papuc de VOLVO-Trucks de fapt sa se faca Marea Unire VOLVO... toate cele cu sigla VOLVO sa fie la un loc independente ........ Ca pana la urma VOLVO-Trucks are tehnologie are potential si doar asa s'ar putea pastra traditia VOLVO (calitate siguranta rezistenta si tot ce era VOLVO) Cat despre BMW si VOLVO..... pana acum eu in inima mea m'am mandrit ca nu am o mashina nemtzeasca asha ca majoritatea si la un moment dat ma cam inervez pe ci care zic ca doar nemtzii stiu sa faca masini sau ca "mertzu e masina si restu...." Fratzilor trezitzi'va mai exista si VOLVO precum si alte mashini...... e da nu totzi gandesc aja Deci pana la urma eu inca sper la un nou model VOLVO creat fara interventia unui alt producator auto.
Sal si tzie nyk si eu personal sunt zuper fericit sa mai intalnesc un posesor de volvo (inscris pe forum) din Petrosani. Shtiu masina ta ca pe mai toate din Valea Jiului (toate volvo) arata foarte bine iar de starea de functionare nu ma indoiesc ca e perfecta.... ne mai auzim pe aici;)
Shi yo m'am pomenit ca'mi troncane ceva la roata stanga fatza.... Tot o roata desfacuta.... Partea interesanta si rushinoasa e ca am gasit buba doar la service... Verdictul, cel de la Vulcanizare a avut grija sa nu se chinue sa desfaca roata cand ma mai duc la el.... Deci punetziii pe ceic are va monteaza roatzile sa verifice shuruburile de doua ori.... ca sa nu se intample ceva nepalcut....
2007 Volvo Beevan Truck Concept Review (Chiar daca nu e automobil e tot Volvo)
nk_12321 posted a topic in Diverse
Unparalleled driver visibility and innovative design ideas are seamlessly integrated with advanced safety technologies for Class 8 trucks in a one-quarter-scale model truck concept from Volvo Trucks North America, on display at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit from January 13th " 21st 2007. The Volvo concept is part of the Michelin Challenge Design competition. All of our vehicle designs begin with Volvo's dedication to its core values of Safety, Quality and Environmental Care, says Ruben Perfetti, Director of design for Volvo Trucks North America. Whether a design is intended for large-scale production or developed as a future concept, it must be a true Volvo in its design, as well as in its approach to transportation and society. The BeeVan concept truck from Volvo puts the driver front and centre in the truck's cab, instead of the traditional left-side position, in what Volvo's designers call the FVDP " Full-View Driver Position. FVDP has more than 180 degrees of uninterrupted visibility, as the huge windscreen arcs around the driver, while remote vision cameras eliminate blind spots. Dual armrest consoles place an array of other advanced technologies literally at the driver's fingertips, including: lane tracking, vehicle proximity sensors and driver drowsiness detectors. The advanced design concept begins even before the driver enters the vehicle, as the door slides back " and not out into traffic " and hidden access steps slide out to Ëœgreet' the driver. The steps retract when not in use for security, safety and aerodynamic efficiency. Opening the door also causes the driver's seat to move rearward and rotate toward the driver for easy access. Once inside the cab, innovative materials are used to support, refresh and insulate the driver from the outside environment, and to promote effective work and rest. The cab includes sleeper berths, a dinette table and other versatile components to combine office, relaxation, dining, personal storage and sleeping functions. The dramatic windscreen is the backdrop for another bold design idea combining aerodynamics and improved engine efficiency. Engine cooling is enhanced by positioning two radiators at the base of the A-pillar/dash transitions. Air is directed from the wraparound grille, through the radiators and exits via the roof. This means the heat transferred from the radiator to the air is never in contact with the engine, for increased cooling efficiency. Plus, the engine benefits from direct airflow through the traditional grille opening for additional cooling and reduced drag. http://digiads.com.au/car-news/latest-VOLVO-news/2007_Volvo_Beevan_Truck_Concept_200701.html -
Abia ashtept sa vad un model de strada care sa aiba majoritatea elementelor prezente pe acest prototip
Va invit sa aduceti poze cu..... ceva inedit ce poarta sigla VOLVO. Incep yo.....
:o super tare filmul nota 11 fara reprosuri.... PS suna bestial Volvo S60 (PH 09 GWZ) Bravo inca o data tuturor
Jeep cred ca are si consumul mult mai ridicat..... Shtim cu totzii cum o duc americanii cu economia la combustibil
Volvo C70 locul 6 in Top 10 masini Gay in Europa ?!?!
nk_12321 replied to a topic in VOLVO C70 (2001-2007)
Sunt niste pareri.... Chiar azi am vazut unul si zuper "Sexy" ca mai toate modelele Volvo -
Producator model mm Bosch wr9dc 0.7 Champion RN9YCC 0.8 NGK BP6ES 0.7 Asta am gasit eu sper sa'ti fie de folos
Bun venit.... si mare grija ca sindromul Volvo e contagios si se transmite adesa in familie!!!!!
Pacat deshi mashina mea nu are nici macar t5 scris pe ea visul meu ar fi un volvo t5R (si siguranta si putere) cat despre V8 pe S80 era de asteptat dupa parerea me..... acum mai vrem si S60 cu motor V8 asta da mashina
test volvo V70 cross country contra subaru legacy outback
nk_12321 replied to a topic in V70/XC70 (1996-2000)
Chiar daca nu's chiar aceleashi conditiii da trebue luat in considerarehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uhvfaTwKGg