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Posts posted by alin89

  1. Nici revenirea la "independenta" nu e o solutie, ca ii mananca rechinii si in 2 ani de zile dispar.

    Nu ce nu ar fi bine sa fie "independenta"? Cand nu erau la Ford faceau masini ff ce i-ar manca rechinii ca apoi sa dispara?

  2. Moama... Un straight six turbo si tractiune spate...  CE MI-AR PLACEEEEE!!!!

    Ca tot a venit vorba de tractiunea spate...stiu ca si Volvo avea pe niste modele mai vechi tractiune ce au renuntat?

  3. NK...s-ar putea sa fi avut gura aurita  :)

    Nu stiu... da eu vin cu o parere mai vreau ca VOLVO-Cars sa fie luata sub papuc de VOLVO-Trucks de fapt sa se faca Marea Unire VOLVO... toate cele cu sigla VOLVO sa fie la un loc independente ........ Ca pana la urma VOLVO-Trucks are tehnologie are potential si doar asa s'ar putea pastra traditia VOLVO (calitate siguranta rezistenta si tot ce era VOLVO)

    Will Volvo Cars Wind Up Back Under Swedish Ownership?

    STOCKHOLM, Sweden — Rumors continue to surface in Sweden that AB Volvo, the commercial truck and bus manufacturer, may join forces with minority shareholder Renault in a bid to acquire Volvo Cars from Ford Motor Company.

    The two Volvo operations were separated when Ford bought the car-making unit from the Swedish parent in 1999.

    In an effort to raise cash as part of its renewed focus on core brands in North America, Ford has been divvying up the various European brands in its Premier Automotive Group. Earlier this year, it sold Aston Martin to a group of private investors for around $850 million, and Ford recently has indicated that its Jaguar and Land Rover brands are on the block.

    BMW earlier was rumored to be interested in acquiring Volvo, but the German automaker reportedly has backed away from making a formal bid.

    The latest rumors from Sweden were carried this week in the business daily Dagens Industri. The newspaper said AB Volvo likely would take a minority stake in Volvo Cars of 10-20 percent. The truckmaker also owns Mack Truck and Renault Trucks.

    The French automaker in turn holds a 20-percent stake in AB Volvo and is expected to join its Swedish partner in any bid for Volvo Cars. Renault several weeks ago denied it had an interest in acquiring Volvo.


  4. se face verde, soferul de pe mertan sta ca un ghimpe sa auda claxonul celui din spate si sa faca o plecare in tromba sa arate cat de smecher e el. Insa in spate e un Volvo, cu un om calm si confident la volan... Se face din nou rosu si atunci vine comentariul "pilotului":

    < al dreaq asta cu Volvo-ul lui > ... dreptate...dar treaba este ca cel care zice "Bloody Volvo Driver" este tot conducatorul vede de pe bancheta din spate ca in fata este Mercedesul...iar la volan in masina Volvo este un conducator mai apoi il arata din fata cand zice fraza respectiva...

  5. volvo s80 face parte din clasa mare adica bmw seria 5 mercedes clasa E audi A6 ...etc

    deci nu se bate cu mercedes clasa S ci cu mercedes clasa E

    S80 face parte din aceeasi clasa cu BMW serie 7 si Mercedes S Klasse, clasa Premium Large Car

    Parerile sunt impartite...cine poate sa ne lamureasca mai bine...adaugand si ceva oficial...dintr-o revista, de undeva!

  6. Apropo de facut consumul, exista si metoda "50 ron":

    Mergi cu masina normal, si incerci sa prinzi momentul in care se aprinde becul de la benzina. In acel moment resetezi km, dupa care te duci la o pompa, bagi de 50 ron (sau 100, cat vrei tu), dupa care mergi normal pana in momentul in care se aprinde din nou becul de benzina. Astfel ai kilometri parcursi cu respectiva suma.

    Repeti asta de mai multe ori, ca sa elimini din erori, eventual cu pompe diferite, si iti faci o idee buna despre consum... Fara blocarea cash-ului intr-un plin de benzina

    Pfff...suna mai mult a joaca asta...e chiar distractiv sa ai o masina concurenta cu machetele  :D))))) ( glumeam )


    Ce vrea sa zica pana la urma video-ul asta?

    Cel ce a pus video-ul pe youtube zice ca "australia duce o campanie ca raspuns la cinismul dus la extrem, avansat despre conducatorii volvo. "Bloody Volvo driver" este o fraza care tine de soferii atat de increzatori in siguranta masinii lor incat trateaza siguranta celorlalti soferi cu dispret"

    Iar video-ul insine arata un motociclist care efectueaza o depasire fara sa se intr-o curba...reusind astfel sa-l oblige pe conducatorul volvo sa efectueze o manevra periculoasa de evitare...

    Dau cap in cap comentariul cu video-ul!

    Pls explicati-mi si mie cum sta treaba!  ???

  8. Ce bine o duc scapat ei repede de autoturismele Volvo  >:(

    Volvo to Boost European Truck, Engine Capacity

    Volvo AB will invest more than $240 million to expand engine and gearbox production in Europe, Bloomberg reported Friday.

    Volvo will invest about $160 million at its heavy diesel facility in southern Sweden, and about $57 at a gearbox site, Bloomberg said, citing the company, whose sales are booming in Eastern Europe and Asia.

    “As a result of increased demand for the Volvo Group’s products in emerging markets such as Eastern Europe and Asia, production requirements for heavy diesel engines and heavy gearboxes are also rising,†Volvo said in a statement.

    The investment will allow Volvo to boost diesel-engine capacity by 20% and heavy-gearbox production by 50% by the end of 2009, Bloomberg said. Volvo is also spending $135 million to build a Russian assembly plant.

    The truck maker last month forecast that the eastern European truck market will double by the end of 2010 as the region's economy expands.

    Volvo is the parent company of U.S. truck makers Volvo Trucks North America and Mack Trucks.


  9. 2007 Volvo XC90

    Volvo makes one of those beautiful, elegant SUVs that you see driving along, happily, without a care in the world. It isn’t getting hell from the environmentalists like a Hummer would, and it isn’t anemic and underpowered like a Hyundai or other small SUV. Finally, it’s not “fancy†like a BMW X5 or an Mercedes-Benz R Class. It’s just right in that sweet zone, where all of its attention seems to be positive, and nobody really has anything but praise for it. Even in road tests it just keeps getting the thumbs up from those that review it.

    And that’s pretty much exactly what driving it is like. People aren’t staring at you with a glare as you roll past in a mighty dominator, they smile and wave, and let you into traffic. You, in return, smile back as you turn up the radio from the steering wheel mounted controls. You use the extremely well designed dash controls to dial in that perfect temperature, and swing past slower motorists in the fast lane with a swiftness that would keep your grandmother from guessing you were driving faster than you should. The pedal is ready to take you into ‘ticket-land’, but it’ll do it so gently that you have to watch that creeping speedometer or you’ll be explaining to the officer how it’s really not your fault that Volvo makes such a smooth ride.

    Everything is so dialed in it makes you sad you have to drive other cars. The rear cargo space is even elegant. It has a 3rd row of seating, which is the only place I wouldn’t want to end up, however, you’re never *really* driving with 7 tall passengers at a time, and you can always talk someone into getting back there instead of you. But those in the back are still treated to elegant cup holders, comfortable arm rests, movable head rests to set yourself into a nice warm nap. Also, one of my favorite features is the clamshell rear hatch. The little tailgate that lowers gives you a seat while you’re changing into your hiking shoes (and the top providing shade while you do it), or stays up allowing you to secure things into place in the back against the tailgate while still having the hatch open. Very well designed and very intelligent design.

    While driving, it’s very quiet. Which just keeps on building up that trust that they’ve already established. Everything is in such a logical place, keeping you from having to reach or strain for anything. Even the mp3 “Aux†input is nicely placed in the center console, complete with a power plug, allowing you to store your iPod next to you and without having any wires dangling from the dash. It prevents you from messing up the aesthetic by thinking one step ahead of you. And for $45,000, very well loaded, this car is a steal compared to so many other similarly priced vehicles out there. I couldn’t recommend it enough, 5 stars.

  10. Un tip cu un trabant vechi se adreseaza unui service modern:

    - Puteti sa-mi puneti airbag-uri la Trabant?

    - Bineinteles-raspunde mecanicul.

    - Dar aer conditionat?

    - Se poate si asta.

    - Dar ABS?

    - Cum sa nu? raspunde din nou mecanicul.

    - Atunci sa-mi spuneti cit ma costa si cit dureaza lucrarea.

    - Va costa 5 dolari si dureaza 1o minute.

    - Va bateti joc de mine? intreaba posesorul de Trabant

    - Dar cine a inceput?

  11. S80 desemnat ca avand cel mai bun interior in gama masinilor Premium

    And the "Interior of the Year" winners are....

    In the cars categories, Ward's editors voted the Honda Fit the best interior in Economy-Priced Cars; they also chose the Saturn Aura as best in Popular-Priced Cars; and the Volvo S80 as having the best interior in Premium- Priced Car category.


  12. Volvo S80 Car Communicator Improves The Keyfob

    Instead of being just a remote control for locking doors or disabling the alarm the Personal Car Communicator or PCC keyfob used on the Volvo S80 takes a more active role with your vehicle. Thanks to two-way communication with the car the PCC can be used to lock the doors and will actually tell you if the vehicle is still locked if you feel forgetful after walking away. The PCC will also automatically unlock the car when you pull on the door handle and allows the vehicle to be started without the need for a key. But besides those luxuries it’s also very effective when it comes to security.

    But the PCC is much more. At a range of 60 to 100 metres when approaching the car, you can obtain a security status report by pressing the information button. Different LEDs then tell you if the car is locked or unlocked, others whether somebody has interfered with the vehicle and caused the alarm to go off. A flashing red light means that the heartbeat sensor has been activated and that there is an intruder in the car.

    There’s even an option for a level meter to detect if the car has been raised in an attempt to steal the wheels. Now I have my doubts Volvo S80 owners would ever park their vehicles in a neighborhood where there was a threat of having your wheels stolen, but it’s nice to know they’ve tried to cover everyone’s paranoias.
