
stop ceata spate mort

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Nu-mi mai merge lampa de ceata spate. Este vorba de un s40 ph1 din 98. Unde doamne iarta-ma sunt sigurantele de la stop? ca alea din masina sunt toate ok. Trebe sa ma uit in compartimentul motor?


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Nu ar trebui mai bine sa deschizi portbagajul si sa schimbi becul respectiv, in loc sa-ti pierzi timpul cautind sigurantele ?...

Bafta !

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Pai nu ar trebui sa se aprinda martorul de bec ars in bord(functioneaza)? Ideea este ca nici in bord nu se mai aprinde martorul de ceata spate...

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- ok, presupun ca ai aprinse farurile, ca altfel nu ai nici un fel de stop de ceata mergind. Cind apesi pe buton, auzi vreun click (de la releu) ?

Daca nu, atunci cu putina engleza se rezolva.

"There is a relay behind the instrument cluster, tucked away in a stupidly awkward (and often extremely hot) place under the top of the dashboard.

If it is working you can hear it click when you press the foglight button, and the dash indicator light should come on. If you can`t hear it, you need to drop the steering column by slackening the holding bolts enough to extract the speedo pod. Speedo pod is very fragile, with lots of flimsy printed cicuit stuff on the back. I opened up the relay case and found that the solder had cracked around one of the connecting pins. Re-soldered the pin (careful not to overheat the electronic components) and it worked OK. Or, the easy way - buy a new relay"

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Becul de ceata se aprinde doar daca ai faza scurta aprinsa!Altfel nu functioneaza.

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Gata am rezolvat-o. Era mufa de intra in blocul de lumini. cum am miscat un pic(mai mult) de ea, cum a mers.

Am desfacut blocul de lumini cred ca de 15 ori pana acum , pana am reusit sa-l luminez cum am vrut si ma gandesc ca mufa nu este facuta sa o frec saptamana de saptamana...

10q 10q 10q baieti!

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