am plecat de la cele 2 mesaje si am ajuns aici:
- BCM - 0101 Communication between control units Communicational problems with ECM(DTC is found not active);
- CEM - 9A01 Interior lighting Signal too Hight(DTC is found not active);
- ECM - 1517 Turbo control - Preassure too high(DTC is found not active);
- ECM - 1A40 Particulate trap - Signal too high(DTC is found not active);
- ECM - 68C7 Intercooler bypass throttle - faulty signall(DTC is found not active);
- ECM - 68D7 Intercooler bypass throttle - Jammed(DTC is found not active);
- ECM - 9130 Inlet control valve - faulty signall(DTC is found not active);
- ECM - 9140 Inlet control valve - jammedl(DTC is found not active);
Diagnoza a fost facuta la Reprezentanta Volvo de la Timisoara. M-a costat 100 lei. Mi s-a recomandat sa aduc masina pentru cel putin o saptamana in reprezentanta.
Problema cu clapetele si filtru nu s-a considerat o problema, spun ei, necazul va sta:
- BCM - 0101 Communication between control units Communicational problems with ECM(DTC is found not active);
Il felicit pe Volvo 244 de la Turda pentru ca mi-a dat o solutie corecta. In rest.....
Imi puteti da idei ?