
Test de conduita la volan

57 posts in this topic

Am aflat de un test foarte interesant care cuantifica intr-un anume fel conduita la volan.


Scorul meu:


You are a Safe Driver - Your Safety Score: 70 %


You are a Marginally Aggressive Driver - Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 50 %


You are a Very Courteous Driver - Your Courtesy Score: 87.5 %


You are a Fairly Calm Driver - Your Degree of Rage: 42.5 %

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You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 80 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Marginally Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 55 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Very Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 90 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 55 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

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Lool, mie nu vrea sa-mi spuna ca sunt agresiv  ;D

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Here are your personal scores/results in the four areas that we analyzed:


You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 65 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Marginally Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 57.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 77.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 72.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%



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You are a Very Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 85 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Marginally Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 47.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Very Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 87.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Fairly Calm Driver

Your Degree of Rage: 40 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

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You are a Marginally Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 50 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 72.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 65 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 62.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%


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You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 67.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 80 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 67.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Driver with Very High Potential for Road Rage

Your Degree of Rage: 87.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

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You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 67.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 75 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 70 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 62.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%


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You are a Very Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 95 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Passive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 35 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Very Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 100 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 50 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

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You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 62.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 65 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 75 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 57.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

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You are a Very Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 90 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Passive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 40 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Very Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 95 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Fairly Calm Driver

Your Degree of Rage: 22.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

De fapt stiam chestia asta, in 11 ani de cind am carnet am avut un singur accident din vina mea, am lovit un tomberon de gunoi( aveam 18 ani) si am luat o singura amenda de radar (acum o luna DAR procesul este in curs de judecare). Nu am avut niciodata carnetul suspendat si o singura data am batut un participant la trafic dar acum 10 ani . Deci de 10 ani sunt cuminte ca un mielusel asta dupa ce am dat cu subsemnatul luni bune si am fost tarat prin tribunale .

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You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 77.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Marginally Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 47.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Very Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 87.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 47.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

  Ma gandesc ca am ajuns la scorul asta dupa ani de profesionist,unde esti limitat la viteza de masina ,si de gabaritul ei.Si de faptul ca devii constient ca NICIODATA(!) nu poti spune...."EU Stiu,sau pot orice(in conducere)"... 8)

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Mi-am facut si eu testul, desi il prevedeam in mare masura.


You are a Very Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 85 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Marginally Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 50 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Very Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 85 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Fairly Calm Driver

Your Degree of Rage: 37.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

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You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 77.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 62.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 77.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 50 %

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@sfc dar tb sa zici si faptul ca la fiecare drum (cind esti cu aia mare) vezi cel putin 3 accidente, unele cu mortaciune si sute de inconstienti care depasesc in curba sau pe linie continua.

Eu am avut o perioada cind faceam de 2x pe luna Buc-TM, de fiecare data vedeam in medie 5 accidente, majoritatea pe Valea Oltului si cel putin un accident grav cu morti . Asta m-a facut sa fiu prudent la volan si sa anticipez ce face idiotul din fata/spatele meu .

Oricum noi avem avantajul de a avea statie pe masina, astfel aflam din timp cind vine un idiot cu "GIPU" sau cu BeMeVeul tunat si are impresia ca e cel putin "Shumi"  >:(

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Am facut si eu testul si e cum ma asteptam


You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 72.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 80 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Somewhat Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 60 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 55 %

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You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 80 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 70 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 77.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 52.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

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You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 67.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 80 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 77.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Driver with Very High Potential for Road Rage

Your Degree of Rage: 75 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

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scorul meu


You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 72.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 65 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 77.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 62.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%


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cred ca am apsasat gresit pe taste desi consider ca stiu engleza: safety 82.5%,aggressiveness 40%,courtesy 87.5%,rage 37.5% ?! oi fi alt eu....

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la 165 cp sigur esti alt tu.

si io cred ca agrsivitatea se calculeaza cam nu stiu cum, ca mie mi-a iesit cam mica !

(nu rideti, agresivitatea...)

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iulirx, recunosc ca nu m-am enervat prea tare la volan!!! nu pe alti soferi,dar am pata pe cei care trec strada aiurea si nu numai la marcaje, fara ca macar sa se asigure!!!! Nu-i posibil asa ceva!!!!!!!!!!!

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Here are your personal scores/results in the four areas that we analyzed:


You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 65 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 70 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 80 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 55 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

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Here are your personal scores/results in the four areas that we analyzed:


You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 62.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Marginally Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 57.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Very Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 82.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 52.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

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oare gipsy isi bat capul cu asa ceva?

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