Guest Nelu


8 posts in this topic

Acest mesaj mi-a aparut pe calculatorul de bord acum trei zile, la pornire dimineata si apoi a disparut dupa aproximativ cinci minute.

Nu am simtit nimic in comportamentul masinii, totusi a doua zi m-am dus cu ea la serviciul reprezentantei unde mi-a conectat-o pe tester si a aparut din nou acest mesaj. Diagnosticul, a fost ca modulul de frana nu mai comunica. Am asistat la toate operatiile facute in aproximativ sase ore de lucru dar problema nu a fost clarificata si in plus, s-a activat imobilizatorul.

A doua zi, s-au reluat verificarile dar tot nu s-a identificat cauza exacta si s-a luat in considerara comandarea unui modul de frana nou.

Astazi, am vorbit din nou cu seful serviciului volvo din oras si i-am spus ca o sa deschid aici acest subiect asa ca, o sa urmareasca si el ce se va scrie.

Orice informatie, opinie sau parere este bine-venita. Chiar daca credeti ca spuneti vreo prostie, spuneti-o linistiti. Tot ce va rog, este sa aveti respect fata de seful serviciului volvo care a lucrat personal la masina mea de cand am dus-o si-mi este prieten.

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doar astea am gasit - cam ciudat...e plin internetul de problema asta asta stupida si costisitoare.

"Is it reasonable for such an expensive component to fail after 20k miles ???

I had this problem too so I took my S40 to local dealer. They put it to diagnostics, erased all the alarms on ECU and said it is fixed. But after several miles, it appeared again. Finally they had to change electronic unit...


I had the 'anti skid service required' message and the brakes appeared to be working fine. However taking the car for an ABS test (driving on wet grass and hitting the brakes at a modest speed) immediately led the car to only drive in 'safe mode' up to 30 - 40 mph max. OK on back roads but something of an issue if the ABS was triggered on the motorway!  By getting out of the car locking it, then unlocking it again and restarting this reset the safe mode and the car drove and seemed to brake normally (provided the ABS was not provoked). Looked at by my local Volvo specialist who checked the faults using the usual diagnostics and booked the car in for a new sensor. After fitting this, whilst it cleared down lots of fault codes, this revealed a whole new batch!

  Turned out to be the highly complex 'black box' and braking system valve interface with the brake pump. Only sold as a single unit with the pump and a hefty £950 plus fitting and VAT. ( I see the mention of a £1500 repair in the thread above, this is the standard dealer price for the work I had done - just beware trying to do this 'on the cheap' - read on) It is a one and a half hour job to fit and then requires a manufacturers software down load to complete the installation - and my specialist said he could not do the job because of this and I would have to go to a main dealer.

  Car was 'under warranty' from a small time dealer who insisted his mechanic would fix it and following 2 months off the road I eventually got the car back. The story was that they got a second hand unit and fitted it - however this completely disabled the car which had to be recovered on a low loader to the nearest Volvo dealer for the software down load to get it to work. Was it cheaper than going to a Volvo dealer who could have done the job in 2 days - probably not in view of all of the grief this caused - except thankfully I did not pay for this repair the small time dealer paid for it all.


I was advised that if the battery charge levels drop below the 11V , the CPU will start to shut systems down to retain basic operation of the engine.

Having recovered the car to my nearest dealer, Harrats in Huddersfield, they quickly agreed with the RAC report and replaced the alternator under warranty. I gues this was also a little embarrassing for them as the car had been one of their own demo models!! Overall I have always had a very good reception at Harratts so hopefully this will continue.

  A little worrying that such a small drain on the battery can cause such a major problem with the basic operations on the car.


This happened on my S60 a couple of years ago. It was just a dodgy sensor on the brake pedal - the brakes worked fine and they changed the sensor under warranty.

Apparently it`s a very common fault and doesn't take long to change the sensor.


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        S-a rezolvat problema. A fost cauzata de oxidarea jonctiunilor dintre modulul BCM (frana), ECM (motor) si CEM (electric) pe reteaua CAN (de comunicare).

        Multumesc la superlativ sefului de reprezentanta serviciu volvo, Andrei, care a avut rabdarea si incapatanarea sa localizeze exact problema si nu a tratat-o cu usurinta cum au facut altii ce au comandat module noi care tot nu au rezolvat problemele.

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Inca un plus ff mare pentru Andrei, care intradevar isi face treaba asa cum scrie la carte.Felicitari inca o data si mult succes in continuare!!!D-l Nelu, acum ca ai masina iesim si noi la un cico?:)

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Bravo Volvo Oradea !!!

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D-l Nelu, acum ca ai masina iesim si noi la un cico?:)

Cu voi, oricand, la orice ora. :3some:

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Hai sa ne vedem saptamana viitoare.Evident dupa ora 18.00, il prezentam si pe Andrei colegilor cu Volvo(il bagam in gura lupului)  ;), si bem si un suc.Ne auzim la telefon.

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